Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Am truly Pro-Psychic! I can Read people's Mind (讀心术) & Know their Motivation (他心通)! I can see Past Life & some Future Vision (but this Secret cannot tell!)! I can Remote Viewing (千里眼遙視) & Hearing (千里耳遙聽) and also Long distancing Telepathy (遠距离心電感應) connection & communicate with any Spirit of Creator in the Universe (宇宙通靈) but Not the Walking Death Zombies Soulless Evil peoples ☠👿👹🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️

Do you know which second movie I liked to watch you in was my favorite?!?

This is an easy and nutritious breakfast when you're too tired in the morning can't wake up to prepare complicated meals! Western breakfast is the most easy way! I like to have Veg Burger or Sandwich either Oatmeals Banana or Strawberry with a cup of Coffee too in the morning!

Of course I want a LONG TERM & STABLE RELATIONSHIP too! But I can't accept and continue with those who Lying & Betray me! I just cut it off if they keep on did that bcox of their ignorant Ego.

Just don't mix up with those Nonsense Evil Chinese & Msian ppls here!!! They're terrible Fake & Tricky Worst Zombies Ghost Evils! Soulless Heartless Brainless Shit!!!

Yeah... I knew Tom Cruise just called you after I post up here... I heard everything!!!

Yeah I LOVE COFFEE☕!!! It is good for morning and only in day time!

He asked me why let him to wait so long for four to five years?!?  

He said he had never chase a girl for so long!

I said first two years there is Keanu Reeves! Then after broke up suddenly jumped out another stubborn man Takeshi! 

But am enough suffering amongs these four years stucked in this crazy nonsense asshole negative darkness idiot Zombies country fighting so damn all over with those Evil Residents here!!!

Am not Dry & Die yet... Last night I got that I still have FEELING of ROMANTIC LOVE!!!

當你老婆只會被你搞惨拖挎拖死而已!!! 看吧,不到一個月不扯你磁場我又恢复清秀原貌啦!!! 真的就是自私自利整天愛外面胡搞亂混馬國人的臭男人一個!!! 😠😡😤

那個陳可辛也真的很低级肮脏下三流之輩啊! 像他們那種它嗎的混账丑恶卑鄙無耻低贱自以爲是想要不择手段瞎搞破壞造谣抹黑"逼良为娼"啊啥混蛋烂渣臭男人好心滚遠一點滚去地狱去死吧! 我真的受不了你們外面這些垃圾卑鄙大混蛋真的太過份太卑鄙肮脏邪恶! 你這種下流卑鄙的贱格心态手段也太恐怖無耻了吧! 你們這些烂渣复杂虚伪卑鄙邪恶丑陋的低级下流馬國華人阿拉伯人回教徒通通立馬給滚蛋去死! 
無論你們動啥念頭耍啥手段我全都一清二楚! 我只是没力氣没闲情去說也懒得去理太多罢了!

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

你知道為何之前我拒绝 Tom Cruise 說我對他没興趣嗎?!? 因為我在夢中看見了他跟王力宏一樣其實也是個 "BISEXUAL雙性戀"英俊男人! 他在之前的婚姻中暗地里的出轨對象就是他的親密男性同事合伙人!!! 但這纯粹是我夢中所見,必需當事人才能完全确認是否属實!

他八字命盘《正偏財混杂》感情世界肯定相當精彩复杂!!! 不可能會單純專一吧! "正財格"男人婚姻旺盛非常热爱拼命事業的工作狂!!!

噢天,刚刚他才回應說都是真的! 他說太厉害了真令他心服口服! 這下連 "湯姆•克鲁斯"大帥哥也想給我幫他解析命盘了! 他說五百萬小事一樽没问题👌! 



但我對任何极端宗教组织教派真的相當抗拒!!! 這也是我一直不敢接受他的因素之一!


"身心靈提升,心理咨询,靈媒通靈塔罗牌占卜及网络虚拟世界自媒體网紅" 等其實就属于《現代化的雾虚事業》"

Shiloh is very mature! She has an bright angel spirit of good heart! She's always been NEUTRAL! Because she has the GENES of her gramorous and charming parents in her blood!

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt is reportedly asking her parents Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to peacefully settle divorce

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s daughter Shiloh Jolie-Pitt is reportedly in pain amid her parents' messy divorce battle.

The teenager reportedly wants her parents to ‘peacefully’ settle the matter.

“Shiloh wishes her mom and dad could find it in their hearts to forgive each other.. and just move on peacefully,” 

“She’s always reminding her mom and dad of the good times they shared. It pains her terribly to see them treating each other like they’re some type of monster,” the magazine shared.

“Shiloh knows there’s no chance of her parents getting back together, but she figures if they could lay down their swords and settle this divorce, everyone’s lives would be better,” the source added.

Shiloh looked like her father as a child! 

But as she grew up, she became more and more like her mother.

Shiloh just looks so much like her mother! So tall! 

How was a "Tomboy" kid (play too much with her big brothers! 🤣) grew up and became a "Pretty girl"!!!

Of course, you know I like JEN the most! 
She is a good friend you can trust!

You know what... all these terrible conflic, suffer and heart broken like hell were the BAD KARMA CLEANSING that you both have to Pay & Clear for hurting Jen a lot!!! 

Luckily Jen is very independent & strong inside! This is the emotional trauma and painful loss she has endured alone in the past! 

It's how THE LAW OF UNIVERSE / KARMA works! 

Angie is a good mother but very horrible jeolousy, emotional fierce woman!